Planet First: Buy in bulk

In order to DIVAIN Planet First. That is why we want to continue giving you ideas and advice on how to take care of the environment with small gestures. Today we enter the world of bulk shopping.
If you want to be surprised, keep reading, because its amount of benefits (both for the environment and for our pockets) are incredible. Surely you are not expecting them!
Advantages of buying in bulk
You cut down on plastic packaging.Everyone knows what plastic damages the environment. Well ... did you know that 39.9% of the plastic that is generated in the world is destined to the manufacture of containers? If we buy in bulk with our own containers or reusable cloth bags, we will be helping to reduce the demand for plastic packaging. And in this life direct proportionality rules: the less demand for plastic packaging there is, the less plastic packaging will be manufactured. The result? A much happier and plastic-free world.
You buy only what you need.This translates into two huge benefits, both for you and for the environment. In the first place, food waste is avoided, since the amount has been chosen by you and you will not have leftovers with which you do not know what to do and end up in poor condition. On the other hand, you choose the right amount, so if you need a small amount, you will pay the price for that small amount and not for the entire container, thus saving a few euros on each purchase (a great trick to save money on a daily basis)
You support local business.Today more than ever it is vitally important that we support small businesses. And it is in these small shops where you can buy almost everything in bulk, not like in supermarkets, where 90% of what they sell is already packaged. Surely in your neighborhood you have a store where you can buy olives or nuts in bulk, while in supermarkets they are always packed in quantities of 100 or 150 grams.
The products are more natural.As a general rule, the products we buy in bulk are 100% natural and ecological, so their quality is much higher. In addition, they usually come from small local farmers, so we kill two birds with one stone: we eat a healthier diet and help the development of our environment.
Possibility of having a much more varied diet.Has it ever happened to you wanting to try a new food but not because it came in a very large container and you were sorry that you did not like it and wasted it? Well that's done with buying in bulk! You can get a small amount of the food you want to try and see if you like it or not without wasting anything, so your food horizons will expand and you will eat a much more varied diet. Sounds good right?
What kinds of products can be purchased in bulk?
Many more than you imagine! Here are some of the most common and easy to get, so that little by little you can introduce this habit of consumption into your routine:
- Buy legumes in bulk, is one of the best options to enter the world of bulk purchases, since it is a non-perishable product and easy to store. In any neighborhood greengrocer you can buy legumes this way. Take a rigid cloth bag with you so that it supports the weight of what you buy well and does not break.
- Buy tea or infusions in bulk It is another great way to reduce plastic consumption, since almost all infusions come in plastic bags or containers. Take an airtight jar that you have at home and go to an herbalist.
- Buying nuts in bulk it's good, not only for the environment, but also for your pocket! These products tend to have a high price, and when they are bought in small quantities more, so the more quantity you buy, the better it will be for you.
Where to buy in bulk?
Now that you have seen the advantages of buying in bulk, surely you have entered (or so we hope), the bug of doing this type of consumption. Now, surely you are wondering ... where can I do it? You have two options, either buy in bulk online, or do it in small proximity stores.
Buying in bulk in local stores has great advantages since, by seeing the product live and direct, you will be able to better calculate the quantities you need to buy and see its quality. You will also discover the charm of the small business, in which the treatment is super close and familiar, something that from DIVAIN we consider essential and that is why we have made it the main pillar of our Customer Support.
Buy in bulk online
Not having time to stroll through different physical stores is no excuse for not buying in bulk. And it is that (of course) the great Internet also offers us that possibility.
This form of consumption is ideal for obtaining large quantities of imperishable products and for those that are difficult to transport. An example of this type of product is oil or wine. Imagine the amount of glass and plastic containers we will be saving if instead of buying bottles from liter to liter, we do it in much larger containers, 15 or 20 liters.
In addition, it is a very good way to directly support traditional wineries or oil mills that sell their product directly without going through intermediaries.
You can also buy spices in bulk online, as they are a non-perishable product and can be purchased in large quantities.
- Tags: Planet First